» MagicMail Demo Site
This is a link to our MagicMail demo site which is located on our outsourced CityEmail server. Sorry, but access to the demo site is restricted, and you have to contact the sales department to gain access. The Demo site has a fully functioning database, and is used regularly by the sales force, so we like to supervise what people change on the system.
If you need a password in a hurry, please call sales at (604) 682-0300 or email one of our friendly sales people at sales@magicmail.com and they can assist you.
We have two distinct demo sites, one which shows you the functionality of the administration interface and one that shows you the user interface, as your users will see it.
Try them both out, and see how easy the system is to use, and administer. Remember, we have designed the site so you can customize the features and the look and feel, and still take advantage of the automatic update features of the system, without breaking your installation.